Class News, Spring 2, Week 4
We've finished this week with an incredibly busy day as we've celebrated the feast of our school patron saint, which falls on Sunday. However, before that, we packed in lots of work on the other four days!
In maths, we've finished our work on multiplying fractions and, for the first time when working with fractions, there were actually smiling faces in the classroom! We then revised plotting co-ordinates in all four quadrants and did some work on translation (moving shapes across the grid). Lots of practical work helped to reinforce this.
Everyone has enjoyed using the video from 'Titanium' to inspire their writing in English this week and we've really thought about how to build dialogue in and use it to move a story on.
In science we have continued our work on classification and Carl Linnaeus.
Finally, of course today we celebrated St Joseph's Day and what a day we've had. We got off to a great start with a beautiful Mass. Well done to any of Year 6 who helped lead the Mass with their reading or singing. We had some fun doing DT after Mass - St Joseph was a carpenter, after all! After lunch the children used oil pastels to create their own impressions of St Joseph and then of course the afternoon treat arrived in the shape of an ice-cream van. Choir were then whisked away to entertain the mums attending the Mother's Day tea. Well done to the Year 6 members of our Choir who really lead the other Choir members so well - you sang superbly this afternoon!