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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Week 6 (13.10.23)

We’ve had lots of fun in Year 3 this week! It’s been Art week and we’ve been creating our own Stone Age cave paintings.  First of all, we sketched our favourite animals native to the UK like robins, foxes, badgers, deer, seals and barn owls.   We practised scaling these up to help us understand how to make sure that our sketches were in proportion. We collected natural products like rose petals, different coloured leaves, twigs and grasses from the school garden and made marks with them in our sketchbooks to see what colours we could create. People living in prehistoric times gathered natural objects and used them to colour their work. Then we made a flour and water paste and mixed it with coloured spices such as paprika, cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger to make our own paint.

We created a cave background using couscous and lentils to help create the illusion of a textured wall and then painted our animals onto our ‘walls’.  They looked very effective.


In Maths we’re revising our times tables and comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000 and in English we planned and wrote a fairy story from the view point to the dragon in ‘The Paper Bag Princess’.

In RE we finished our topic on Homes and wrote about what makes a house a home.  We read St Paul’s letter to the Colossians that said that we should love one another and help each other as Jesus would want us to.  Father John visited our classroom in the week as well and talked to us about Mary and how she showed commitment and love towards Jesus.

Today we continued with our celebration of Black History month, and some of us wore traditional African and Caribbean clothes and parents came into school to tell us about the history of the clothes and the significance of the colours.


Congratulations to our Stars of the week and to our Writer too. Have a super weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week in class.


Best wishes

Mrs Howard, Mrs Gilliam and Mrs Cina