Class News (25.11.22)
This week in Year 5 we’ve been taking part in St Joseph’s Just Talk Wellbeing Week and the theme has been to look beneath the surface as well as creating information posters about the countries taking part in the World Cup 2022.
In Maths we’ve been revising our understanding of column addition and subtraction. Next week we’ll be doing the same with fractions and then multiplication and division.
In English we’ve been continuing our poetry writing and have used landscape pictures to inspire us as well as a film clip from David Attenborough’s Blue Planet II series. We’ve written some wonderful poems describing an animal’s amazing escape from dangerous predators and used similes and metaphors to develop our range of vocabulary.
In Science we’ve been investigating the effects of friction by pulling weighted objects along different surfaces with a force meter to find out which one has the most friction and makes the object more difficult to move.
In RE we’ve completed our topic on Commitment and the children made some very good observations about the subject. We found Father John’s visit to our class to talk about his service and mission in life very useful in our reflections. Before the end of term, we’ll be moving onto one of our favourite topics of the year, Hope, where we’ll be examining the importance of Advent as a time of waiting in joyful hope for Jesus.
This morning we visited our Forest School to take part in a trail and to find man-made objects which had been camouflaged amongst the bushes and grasses. The grass was a little wet but the sun shone and we had fun trying to locate all the objects. In the classroom we discussed why animals were camouflaged – some to hide from predators and some to help them stalk prey – and then drew our own camouflaged animal.
Congratulations to our two stars of the week and our writer.
Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you back in school on Monday.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard