Year 4 News 8.10.2021
We’ve had another fantastic week in year 4.
In science, we have been learning all about the digestive system. We identified all the different parts of the digestive system and what their functions are. Did you know it takes less than 10 seconds for food to get from your mouth to your stomach?
The children wrote some amazing Roman myths today, I was so impressed with their imagination and creativity!
In maths we have started using formal written methods for addition and will be moving onto subtraction too. We’ve been using the mental strategies that we learnt last week to support us as well.
We have started our next RE topic ‘Called.’ We learned about David being chosen by God to be the next king. We discussed how we feel when we are chosen to do something. The children said they feel excited and special when they are chosen but also sometimes nervous as being chosen often comes with responsibility.
Have a great weekend; I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Mrs. Georgiou