CLASS NEWS 11.11.22
CLASS NEWS 11.11.22
Well... we have come to the end of another busy busy week, a very fun and jammed packed week again this week.
Our Nativity scrip and play has arrived so be prepared for Christmas songs and lines to be coming out of your ear holes in the the next week or so!!!
This week we have been learning about a new book called 'voices in the park' and 'dogger' both fantastic books and really allow children to dive deep into our literature. if you get a chance have a look at home, library or e-books for these.
In maths we have been been learning about mental strategies to help us with addition and subtraction, this has been some tricky stuff but the children have really persevered and has proven to pay off as they have done really well in their mental maths tests.
Father John came to visit year 2 this week, we are learning all about Baptism and the signs and symbols of Baptism. He bought in the Easter Candle and explained the significance of this and why this is special during a Baptism, remembering that Jesus was the light of the world and now we are apart of God's family when we are Baptised.
Well done to Olivia W for her excellent achievements in her gymnastics competition as well as our writer and stars of the week.
This week our writer of the week is...EMILIA!
Our two stars are this week...MAXWELL and PRECIOUS