Year 6, Summer 1, Week 4
After a long, hard week last week doing SATs, Year 6 have had an easier this week as we've celebrated International Week. Our reading sessions were based on traditional tales from Denmark, China and Japan and the children re-wrote The Little Mermaid as a play script, then tried to retell the story from China in only 50 words - a bigger challenge than you would think!
In art, we looked at the work of some French Impressionist artists and then had a go at working in the same style with oil pastels and watercolours. The Impressionists believed in working outside to catch the natural light so we had a lovely afternoon sitting in the school garden creating beautiful pictures. Our English was also based on the Impressionists. Children researched and made notes on their chosen artist and then wrote a detailed biography.
Our maths this week has not had an international flavour but has been challenging as we worked on drawing circles successfully using compasses and then measuring accurately to create pie charts. It required a great deal of perseverance for some, so well done Year 6.
We all enjoyed the international dance with Annie on Wednesday and some of Year 6 performed this afternoon for the rest of the school, which was lovely.