Year 4 Autumn 1 week 2
We have had a great week in Year 4. You have all been working extremely hard so well done!
In maths this week, we have been working on our knowledge of place value and the different ways we can represent 4 digit numbers. We practised re-grouping numbers in different ways.
We have started looking at some myths in English and are currently reading about some of the gods and goddesses from Ancient Rome!
In RE, we are learning about family trees and some of the members in Jesus’ family tree. We have already learned about the story of Abraham and Sarah, Ruth and Joseph!
We had a fantastic science lesson, learning about the digestive system and how it works! We had a go at constructing a digestive system and labelling the different parts. Next week we will be learning about the functions of each part.
I will see you all on Monday; I hope you have a great weekend.
Mrs Georgiou.