Year One International Week 20/5/2022
Good afternoon parents!
The end of our penultimate week before our final half term together! What a fantastic week it was. As you know it was International Week at St Joseph's.
On Monday, we celebrated all the different cultures of our class by wearing national dress or the colours that represented the flags of our countries. The children all looked amazing and were able to talk about their countries beautifully. Thank you to Sebi and Devid's mum for coming in to talk about Albania.
On Tuesday, we created our Spanish, Pablo Picasso inspired self portraits. The children had a lot of fun creating abstract versions of themselves!
On Wednesday, Miss Cicero taught the children a Bhangra inspired dance, then we later joined the entire school to perform the dance together in the playground. Lots of fun was had by all!
Yesterday was our fantastic international food market.. The amount of dishes and variety of cuisines on offer for the children to try was astounding. Thank you so much to all of the parents that cooked and came to serve our children. It was such a wonderful moment to be able to all come together and share in the rich cultural environment of St Joseph's.
Today we created our Tinga Tinga, African art animal pictures which were really wonderful. What creative children we have in Year 1! We also performed 'Arc-en- ciel', The Rainbow Song in French! They sang beautifully and have hopefully learned some of the names of the colours in French, a bonus!
In amongst the international fun we continued to look at instructional texts and the use of time words. We wrote our own instructions for making a jam sandwich and planting a seed in a pot!
In maths we looked at counting in 2s and dividing by 2 with and without remainders. A tricky concept but all the children tried very hard. Well done Year 1.
Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you Monday,
Mrs Carpineta and Mrs Cina.