Year 6, Summer 2, Week 5
Another busy week draws to a close and, incredibly, we only have two weeks left in Year 6! This week was Aspirations Week, so Year 6 wrote about their aspirations for the future - not just their careers but about what else they would like to achieve in life over the next few years. Lots of interesting reading there. Come back in 20 years, Year 6, and tell me how many of your ambitions you've achieved or even exceeded!
Year 6 set up some lovely role play activities today in the hall for the other classes and had a great time helping Reception to enjoy them.
This afternoon we were lucky enough to have a paramedic come in to talk to us about what to do in an emergency. She showed Year 6 how to check a pulse and how to do CPR if needed, as well as letting them try on the collars that are used to keep spinal injury patients still.