Week 7 (20.10.23)
This has been our final week before half-term and we’ve had a very busy time. Today was our STEM day and Year 3 had a lovely time working with children in other Key Stage 2 classes. Our activities have ranged from building pulleys to weigh objects to building the longest bridge we can.
In Maths, we were labelling number lines and finding start and end numbers as well as key benchmarks. Next half-term we’re moving onto mental and written addition and subtraction.
In RE we learnt that a synagogue is a place of worship and then wrote about what we would find inside it and how it compared to our church.
In History we learned how bronze changed life in the Stone Age and created a Venn diagram to show the similarities and differences between the Stone and Bronze Ages.
In Science, we’ve been learning all about fossils and the collector Mary Anning. We described how fossils were formed by animals and plants becoming trapped within rock millions of years ago. We even made our own fossil by preserving a bone in plasticine with water mixed with food colouring to simulate mud forming on top of it. We simulated sedimentary rock forming on top of all of it and compressing it by adding layers of tissue. We’ll examine our efforts after half-term and see if we’ve created a fossil.
Congratulations to our Stars of the week and to our Writer too. Have a super half-term break and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard and Mrs Gilliam