Class News, Year 6, Autumn 1, Week 2
Welcome to the first Class News of this academic year. Apologies that there was none last week but I had swapped my day off and was not at school on Friday. Year 6 have settled in well over a busy couple of weeks and are proving themselves to be a good example to the rest of the school in their behaviour around the school and in whole class assemblies.
In English, over the last fortnight, we have been reading and discussing the first couple of chapters of Goodnight Mr Tom and looking at how description is used. We will then be using this to improve our own writing.
Maths is currently based on place value, looking at the value of each digit in numbers with up to seven digits and up to three decimal places. We are also practising counting on and back in ones, tens and hundreds, crossing boundaries which some children are finding tricky when using really big numbers but we are persevering.
We have begun our topic of World War II and the children produced some really lovely pictures in our topic launch, based on the photograph 'St Paul's Survives'.
This afternoon, our prayer service remembering Queen Elizabeth was led beautifully by our eight readers - Alexander, Christian, Edmund, Francesca, Isabella D, Ivy, Kian and Leona.
Of course, in between all the hard work, we've managed some time to meet buddies, have lunch together and some playtime with them which has been lovely and thoroughly enjoyed by both Reception and Year 6.