Class News -- Summer 1 - Week 2
What a fun and exciting week! Without surprise, Year 4 has done amazing this week! I am really proud of them. I have uploaded some photos for you to see what we have been up to last week and this week.
In English, we have started our new unit on non-chronological reports that will be on the Amazon River. We have been looking at the structure of the book "Amon River’ by Sangma Francis and what makes it engaging for the reader. We have looked at fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and done some research on how and why we should take notes.
We have been looking at decimal numbers in math and the different strategies we can use for addition and subtraction. We then moved on and started applying this in the context of money. Next week, we will start looking at fractions.
In our topic launch last week, we looked at all of our projects and shared them with each other. It was great to see so many different things about the world created by the children. I can see a lot of time and thought went into some of them.
We have been carrying on our French topic this term about La Date and will be moving on shortly.
In science, we have been learning about electricity. We have been looking at how electricity works and creating our own circuits without Miss Entwisle telling us! It took us a little time, but by the end, we had all made our bulbs light.
Have a lovely long weekend, and see you all on Tuesday!