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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Week 2 (12.1.24)

Happy New Year!  This week has been our first full week this term after Christmas and it’s been so lovely to hear all your Christmas news and start our new Spring topics.


In English, we’ve been reading a new book by Georgina Stevens called ‘Stella and the seagull’ for our new topic on persuasive writing.  We’ve discussed the character of Stella and how upset she is about her pet seagull becoming ill after eating plastic it found on the local beach.  We designed and wrote posters to help Stella organise a beach clean-up using persuasive language such as rhetorical questions and imperative verbs.


In Maths, we’ve been revising the formal written method for addition and we’ll be practising our subtraction skills next week.  We’re practising our times tables too.


Our new RE topic is about Journeys and we are examining the Church’s Liturgical year and how it celebrates the key elements of Jesus’ life.


In Science, we’re learning about forces and magnets and this week we discussed what the different types of forces are and in History we’re looking at why the Romans settled in Britain.


It was great to see everyone dressed in onesies today – we had unicorns, Stitches and wolves and everyone looked very happy and cosy.  In the afternoon, we went to the Year 1 classroom to read to the children and we really enjoyed ourselves.  I know that the Year 1 children were thrilled to see us and really enjoyed our stories.


Congratulations to our Stars of the week and to our Writer too.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week.


Best wishes

Mrs Howard and Miss Cicero