Welcome Nursery to our new website page:
This is where you can now navigate to find class news and any updates that you may need to know.
Over the last few weeks in Nursery we have been practising writing our names and our numbers. The children have grasped this really well and they have so much perseverance ! Please continue to practise this at home too.
As we are now in the summer term we will be practising getting your child as ready as they can be, to go off into Reception for September. We have been practising zips, coats and using knives and forks too!
Our new topic this term is at the seaside! The children will be reading all sorts of diverse and inclusive books about experiences at the beach, stories, poems and seaside tales. Thank you to those who have sent in pictures of being at the seaside, we would love some more to add to our display!!!
You will see below the attached information for you to read through, all about the summer term.
Many thanks
The Nursery Team