Week 4 & 5
What a busy last few weeks we have had! We have managed to jam pack so much learning into the last two weeks;
English: We read the 'Hungry Caterpillar' we looked at days of the week and the life cycle of a butterfly. This led us to learn about what food is healthy for us and what food is not. With all the fruit that was donated from you parents we were able to wash, cut and prepare a healthy fruit salad which the children absolutely enjoyed! The children then came up with the idea of making smoothies with the fruit that was left over so we did!!!
We enjoyed blending and then tasting our smoothies, we discussed what we liked and did not like about them.
In Phonics/English; We have been learning our new phase 3 sounds and tricky words then applying them in our books by writing sentences containing those sounds.
Maths: We have been very busy adding numbers to 5 and securing this. We have also been looking at repeating patterns.
R.E: We looked at different religions 'Sikhism' in particular. We found out that they share food after praying with one another so we decided to share with one another the fruit that was left over.
Art: We have been busy learning about the new year and we decorated lanterns and made our own Chinese Dragon.
Well done to the stars of the week: Ethan and Taylor