Week 13 (7.12.23)
Hola! What a fabulous end to a busy assessment week! Today was our whole school Spanish Immersion Day and we were very immersed all day! First of all, we came dressed in red and yellow to represent the colours of the Spanish flag and Mrs Direnzo, a fluent Spanish speaker, was kind enough to come into our class for an introductory session on Spanish greetings and key phrases we might need when in Spain. Just before break time we sampled a favourite Spanish sweet dish – Churros dipped in chocolate with cinnamon sugar. They were delicious!
Later in the day we learned about the life of a famous Spanish painter called Pablo Picasso as well as the names of 10 colours and learned a Spanish dance – the Paso Doble – with Miss Cicero.
For the rest of the week, we’ve been doing assessments as well as RE, Science and Geography.
In RE we discussed the importance of the Jesse tree which is named after the father of King David and is a family tree which includes all of King David’s descendants up to Joseph and then Jesus. Each descendant is represented by a symbol and a quotation from the prophet Isaiah. We created our own family Jesse tree and symbol that were important to us for our class Reflection table.
In Science we discussed the meanings of the terms opaque, transparent and translucent and then investigated how shadows are formed when an opaque object blocks light making the area behind the object dark. We shone torches against a white screen and measured the size of an object against it from different distances starting at 5cm up to 30cm. We could see that the further the object was from the screen the longer the shadow was.
In Geography we learned that there are two types of volcano – shield and composite – and we located the different types around the world.
Congratulations to our Stars of the week and to our Writer too.
We hope you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week for our D&T project as well as lots of Christmas activities.
Mrs Howard and Mrs Gilliam