Year 6, Autumn 1, Week 1
Here we are at the end of our first full week in Year 6 and it’s been a great week. I have been so impressed with the children’s behaviour and attitude this week. They truly are setting the standard for the rest of the school.
Much of what we have done this week has been revision and settling in work; however, that does not mean that they haven’t been working hard! In English, we have been using the novel Goodnight Mr Tom as the basis for our reading and writing work. In reading, we have explored vocabulary, practised inference and used prediction. Writing has also used our inference skills and our ability to ‘show not tell’ the reader through good use of expanded noun phrases and prepositions.
Maths at the moment is based on place value, looking at numbers with up to 7 digits. We have also practised fluency in arithmetic skills.
Today we launched our World War II topic, taking ourselves back in time to the 1930s to put ourselves in the place of families as they heard the news that war had been declared. Then we imagined how it would have felt to hear the air raid siren and to have to use a Morrison shelter or an Anderson shelter – like the one we now have at the back of our classroom!
This morning we had our first whole school Mass of this year. Year 6 led the Mass and, again, did themselves proud, really setting the standard for the rest of the school. Well done to all the children for their beautiful singing and behaviour and in particular to our readers and servers.