Class News 1.7.2022
We've had a lovely week in year 4.
On Thursday, we had a fantastic time at the Teddy Bear's Picnic, organised by the PTA.
Teddy Bear's Picnic
We finished our Geography topic on Rainforests. We learnt about rainforests across the world and focused on the Amazon rainforest. We also learned about some of the tribes that live in the rainforests, deforestation and all the different animals and plants that can be found there. We used our computing skills to create online fact files about habitats of the rainforest. Finally, we created these lovely double spread information pages to showcase all the different things we had learned.
Rainforest information
We attended mass at the church on Wednesday and Friday. Well done to the choir for singing so beautifully in church!
Finally, well done to Jadelle for her lovely homework project.
We are all very much looking forward to our sleepover tonight!
Photos to follow....
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs. Georgiou