Friday 15th October 2021
First of all, I’d like to thank you all for supporting The British Heart Foundation today. The children looked great in their own clothes!
We did a brilliant experiment in science this week. We put some eggs into different liquids and left them for three days to observe what would happen. We tested water, orange juice, coca cola and milk. This was to demonstrate what could happen to our teeth if we don’t brush them regularly!
Here were the results, can you guess which liquid each egg was in?
In maths, the children have been working hard on formal written methods for addition and subtraction. Such a fantastic effort from all of you this week, keep it up!
In English, we have started to look at free verse poems. The children enjoyed learning actions to perform one of the poems. Next week we will be writing our own free verse poems.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs. Georgiou