Week 2 (15.9.23)
We’ve had another busy week in Year 3. The weather has been cooler this week which has really helped us to be more creative in our English. We thought of some lovely vocabulary for the setting of our new book, ‘Tuesday’ and then, the next day, we wrote our descriptions. Everyone tried so hard and were very pleased with the results – in fact, it made it very difficult to choose a writer of the week! Our debating skills have become good too because, later in the week, we discussed whether it was the toads who were able to fly, or whether it was the lily pads helping them to fly. We had some great ideas and everyone took turns to give their opinion in their group.
In Maths, we’ve been continuing to compare 3-digit numbers to see what is the same about them and what is different about the value of the digits. We’ve used manipulatives like base 10 and played games to help reinforce our learning.
In RE we discussed St Paul’s teaching on how to keep a happy home as a Christian family and how to extend this to our school life.
We’ve started our Science unit on Rocks by recording what we already know and noting any questions we have about the topic on our working wall. I’m sure we’ll discover the answers to those as we continue!
In History, we’ve continued our investigation into the Stone Age by examining photos from a settlement called Skara Brae which is a Scottish seaside settlement built over 5,000 years ago. We learnt that, although most people living in Britain at that time built wooden homes, those living on Orkney at Skara Brae built stone villages because there were hardly any trees on the island.
Congratulations to our Stars of the week and to our Writer too. There’s plenty of time throughout the term for everyone to be chosen so keep doing your best.
Have a super weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week in class.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard, Mrs Gilliam and Mrs Cina