Year 5 Class News (27.5.22)
We’ve had another very busy week and I can’t believe that we only have another half-term to go until you move onto Year 6 in September! The time has flown by!
busy week celebrating International Week at St Joseph’s.
This week was our D&T week and it’s been a pleasure to see how well you worked together on your project. First of all, we researched existing greenhouses and learnt just how important they are in protecting plants from bad weather and harmful insects. They also allow us to have a constant supply of fruit and vegetables all year round. Next, we looked at different 3D structures and how they could be made stable. We decided which structure would be the most suitable for a mini greenhouse and then chose the materials and tools that we would need. We continued to work on our project during the rest of the week and it was obvious that the experience we had of building our Viking long ships last term really helped us to plan every stage carefully this time around.
We’ve had three important celebrations this week. The first was our May Procession and we were very proud of our three readers who told the story of St Bernadette’s vision of Mary. Thank you to all of you for bringing in your flowers to put around our statue of Mary. They looked beautiful.
Our second celebration was our Ascension Mass which was led by Father John and organised by Mrs Skelton.
Finally, today we celebrated Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee. We spent the morning preparing for the party with lots of Art activities and then enjoyed a lovely St Joseph’s tea party in the school playground. It was a fun and memorable end to a lovely week.
Many congratulations to our Writer and Stars of the Week. Have a lovely half term break and a well-earned rest. Take care and stay safe.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard and Mrs Direnzo