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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus


At St. Joseph’s we want all children to have the opportunity to experience many different sports and to find out what really inspires them.  We intend to provide high-quality, inspiring PE lessons, which allow children to learn skills and knowledge required by the national curriculum in a fun and engaging way.  We encourage children to learn about athletes from the past and present and hope that by studying these inspirational people, some of our children will aspire to become the athletes of the future. 


We intend to provide opportunities for all children to improve both their fitness and their physical and mental well-being through daily activities such as our “Fit in 15” initiative.  


Our goal for Physical Education is that children become physically literate and that they are able to:


  • understand how to become and remain physically fit and healthy through a balanced program of physical activity and by making healthy eating and lifestyle choices. 
  • use their knowledge and understanding to make healthy choices and continue good exercise habits after formal education and into adult life. 
  • celebrate their unique skills and qualities and appreciate the talents of others.
  • develop resilience and understand how they can improve through effort and hard work.
  • assess and evaluate their own and others’ performances and how they could improve further.
  • find a sport (or sports) that they enjoy and may wish to take further, both in school and through clubs.


We believe that high-quality PE lessons at school can allow people to lead healthier, happier lives and that sport and physical activity can contribute to better physical and mental wellbeing. 


Year 5 have been working on gymnastics in PE this term.  

Year 2 were inspired by The Secret Garden and created their own gardening dances.

Year 1 were exploring weather in their dance lesson on Monday.  See if you can spot their icicle shapes!

Year 6 have been exploring Bhangra dancing.  All the movements are inspired by the harvest.  Can you see us welcoming the morning, scattering the seeds and other movements inspired by farming and planting.

Y6 Dance Bhangra 2

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-06-13.

Y6 Dance Bhangra 3

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-06-13.

The exciting whirlwind tour of different dance styles continued with Year 1 exploring Vietnamese-style scarf dancing and Year 3 learning the Tarantella.  Tarantella means tarantula!  

Y1 Dance Vietnamese inspired scarf 6

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-16.

Y1 Dance Vietnamese inspired scarf 4

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-16.

Y1 Dance Vietnamese inspired scarf 9

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-16.

Y3 Italian Dancing 6

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-16.

Y3 Italian Dancing 5

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-16.

Y3 Italian Dancing 8

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-16.

As part of our International Week celebrations some classes have been learning dances with Miss Gunn and some dance experts.  Year 5 have learned two Polish Dances and Y4 have been learning how to do some dances from Nigeria.  Scroll down for some video clips of what they have learned.  Excellent work everyone!  There will be more dances from other countries to come in the remainder of the week!

Y5 Polish Dancing

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-14.

Y5 Polish Dancing

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-14.

Y5 Polish Dancing

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-14.

Y5 Polish Dancing

Y4 Nigerian Dancing

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-14.

Y4 Nigerian Dancing

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-14.

Year 6 have been enjoying learning about "Stomp".  They have begun choreographing their own stomp-style dance routines.  Sadly there are no bin lids or brooms: just our own bodies and hands.

Check back later for videos of their performances.

Y6 Dance Stomp

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-14.

Y6 Dance Stomp

Y6 Dance Stomp

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-14.

Year 5 have been learning about a dance style pioneered by Merce Cunningham in the USA.  He decided not to be guided by the music to choreograph his dance, but instead used chance to determine the movements he used.  

Our sequence began with travelling, then then a tilt, a spin, a ripple, a kick and a (controlled) fall to finish.  The children had lots of fun testing different ideas and putting them into action.  See if you can spot how the groups interpreted each word in movement.

Y5 Dance by Chance 6

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-02.

Y5 Dance by Chance 2

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-02.

Y5 Dance by Chance 8

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2024-05-02.

Year 1 have been learning about yoga.  It is important to breathe deeply and try to hold each yoga pose completely still.

Year 2 have been practising their balancing skills in gymnastics.  Their top tips are to keep arms in a "T" shape and to stare at the wall opposite.  They thought about how to balance with a leg in front, to the side and behind.  

Year 1 have begun learning the basic gymnastics shapes.  We were thinking about using good body control and extension.  Excellent start everyone.

Year 3 learned a line dance to Cotton Eye Joe.  It was fun, if a little complicated.

Year 4 have been doing Yoga.  They have revisited some of the yoga poses they learned last year and improved their  balance, body and breath control and flexibility.  

Samba dance in Year 4 has been a hit.  You can see how much we enjoyed it by the wide smiles on all our faces.  Enjoy a small selection of our routines.

Y4 Samba Dance Routines 10

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2023-10-19.

Y4 Samba Dance Routines 7

This term some children in year 2 have the opportunity to take part in a cycling club run by Blue Cycle Training.  The first session was great fun and we look forward to seeing their progress in confidence and skill in the coming weeks.  Well done parents for getting the children into school so early in the morning!

If you are enjoying attending the netball club or would like to join a netball club out of school please see the flier below for more opportunities to take part.

Year 4 have been choreographing their own routines based on the idea of a spy.  Look out James Bond, year 4 are out to take your job!

Y4 Dance The Spy 7

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2023-10-12.

Y4 Dance The Spy 8

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2023-10-12.

On Monday we held our annual Sports Day.  Thankfully, the weather was kind to us and we avoided the showers.  Children took part in a variety of activities from egg & spoon race and sack race, to scoring netball and basketball goals and football dribbling. 

Thank you to everyone who came to support the children.  Thank you to the staff who organised and ran the day so efficiently.

Well done to all the children for taking part, and congratulations to John House who were our overall winners.

Well done year 6 - your choreography skills are really coming on.

Y6 Rock n roll dance 1

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2023-06-29.

Y6 Rock n roll dance 4

Uploaded by St. Joseph's YouTube Channel on 2023-06-29.

Year 5 learned a hand jive from the Rock 'n' roll era and then added their own unique twist to the performance.  Well done boys and girls!

A huge thank you to Mat Holly from Cheshunt and Rosedale Cricket Club, who visited us on Tuesday and Wednesday this week to deliver Cricket taster sessions to years 3, 4, 5 and 6.  I was very lucky to be able to join year 4 for their session.  I learned so much that I never before and I can definitely say there are some children in year 4 who should definitely consider joining the club!  You should have received a flier to give you more information about half term and other clubs run by Mat.

Another opportunity to experience Cricket with a local club.

Please see the flier below.

Yoga partner flows proved a challenge of ingenuity, balance and control.  

Here are some of our amazing dancers in action