Summer 2 week 1
I hope you have all had a lovely half term break? I can’t believe we are on our final half term of the year 3!
This week we started off our new English unit Adventure stories- we have begun with looking at the short film we will be using called taking flight. The children have been busy writing character descriptions, diary entries an looking at including fronted adverbials in our writing.
Maths we have started to look at time, first we learnt the months rhyme and now know how any days are in each month. We have looked at telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes and started to look at roman numerals.
DT, we finished making our pneumatic toys this week and we had great fun sharing and explaining how they worked to the boys and girls in year 1. I am looking forward to seeing the homework this week 😊
Have a lovely sunny weekend
Miss Axon