Week 6 (9.2.24)
Welcome to Year 3’s week!
This week has been our Well-being Week at St Joseph’s. We’ve enjoyed writing compliments to each other, counting to 10 in Spanish and Lithuanian, drawing still life objects playing board games with Year 1 and making cards for residents in our local Retirement Home.
In Maths, we’ve been learning about right angles and how to use a right angle checker to help us recognise them in 2D shapes. We’ve also learnt about perpendicular and parallel lines and their differences as well as practising our x3 tables. We’re all doing really well with them!
In English, we’ve been reading and discussing our new book – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland written by Lewis Carroll and illustrated by Chris Riddell. We’ve created a story map of the beginning of the adventure and learnt how to use prepositions to describe where a character is and inverted commas so we can write dialogue next week.
In Science, we’ve been investigating which materials are magnetic and which are not by using bar magnets. We’ve learnt that objects which contain metal like steel are magnetic and that opposite poles on a magnet attract each other.
Finally, in History we’ve been investigating why the Roman army was so successful and this was the week we could use the fantastic scutums (shields) and gladiuses (swords) we’d made to practise Roman drills. We re-enacted a defensive and then an attacking formation called the Testudo and the Wedge that made the army such a formidable force. Our shields looked very impressive as we stood in formation!
Congratulations to our Stars of the week and to our Writer too.
We hope you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard and Miss Cicero