Friday 22nd October 2021
Well done year 4, you have worked so hard this half term!
This week in history, the children learned about all the different things that the Romans introduced to Britain such as plumbing, roads, central heating and even concrete. All things that we still use today!
In art, we created some wonderful mosaic tiles, inspired by the Romans. We had a lot of fun making these and they look amazing!
In English we continued learning about free verse poems and today the children had a go at writing their own free verse poem. Some really imaginative ideas went into their poems – I was very impressed!
In maths we practised counting in multiples of 25 and 1000. We have continued practising formal written methods for addition and subtraction too.
I hope you all have a lovely half term break.
Looking forward to seeing you after half term.
Mrs. Georgiou