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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Year 1

Welcome to a new academic year and the start of the autumn term!


Summer Term 2024

YEAR 1 - AUTUMN 2  2023

Homework 11.05.23

What a wonderful week we have had.

In English we have been looking at a Chinese folk tale, The empty pot. We sequenced the story first then looked at describing the setting and characters. For this we looked at adjectives and nouns and created noun phrases.

Maths, we have been using repeated addition and patterns to help us with our multiplication questions. We have also started to look at arrays.

In RE we continued to look at holy days. We looked at our favourite Holy day and explained why it is out favourite.

Science we started our new topic, Animals including humans. We have been identifying different parts of our bodies.

Geography, we have been using our map reading skills to locate China on a world map.

Thank you to the dads who came to our phonics workshop. The boys and girls absolutely loved showing off their phonics skills J


Have a lovely three-day weekend!!!

Miss Axon

Homework 27.04.23

Home learning grid Summer

Homework 20.04.23

Homework 23.03.23

Week 3 complete!

A lovely week with a very varied curriculum, we started the week with a beautiful workshop with Flow stories. They shared an African folk tale with us and we help to act out the story.   Then we ended the week becoming gardeners and sowing our very own broad beans.

In English we have looked at wonderful stories called Embarked, the children have worked really hard with creating beautiful vocabulary to describe the settings and characters.

Maths we continued to look at problem solving and concentrating on worded problems within 20.

Re, we have been looking at special meals in church and family events.

Please enjoy looking at our pictures from the week J

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Axon

Homework 09.03.23

What a week!!

We have had a very busy week in year 1 this week. 

In English we have been working on our poetry skills and looking a a free verse poem all about a little mouse. Today we have used all our knowledge from this weeks learning and created our ow free verse poems about squirrels. 

Maths has been a very wordy topic for us, we have been looking at word problems. The boys and girls have been picking their word problems apart all week finding the start, change and then working out the result. 

Re has been special for us this week as it was St David's day on Wednesday and our class saint is St David. For our treat Mrs O'Connor made us welsh cakes which were very yummy, we watched a video of children in wales preparing for their St David's day parade and then we looked at St David and all the wonderful things he achieved. 

if you would liek to make some of the very lovely welsh cakes I have copied a recipe for you :) 

World book day took place on Thursday and it was so lovely to see the children enjoying so many books. We spent some time in the library and wrote our own character descriptions. In the afternoon year 4 came down and we all enjoyed sharing stories together.

Have a Lovely weekend 


Welsh cakes



1 & ¾ cups or 225 g self-rising flour
pinch of salt
½ cup or 100 g margarine
¼ cup or 50 g sugar
¼ cup or 50 g currants / raisins
1 egg
2 Tablespoons milk to mix.



  1. Mix flour and salt, rub in margarine, stir in sugar and currants.

  2. . Mix to a fairly stiff dough with the egg and milk.

  3.  Roll out about 5 mm (¼ inch) in thickness and cut into rounds, (use a 6.5 cm or 2 ½ inch cookie cutter)

  4. Gather up the trimmings and re-roll to make more Welsh cakes.

  5. 4. Cook on a medium-hot greased griddle pan for about 3 minutes on each side.

Place the hot Welsh cakes on some sugar, both sides then serve buttered, hot or cold



Homework 02.03.23

Homework 23.02.23

Introducing pudding lanes new top bakers …. YEAR 1!!


This week started very differently, with Mrs O’Connor as our baker’s assistant. We set about making our own bred rolls (Word on the playground they tasted divine).

With our baking under our belts we then spend our English lessons writing up the perfect set of instructions for bred rolls. We have included time conjunctions, imperative verbs (bossy verbs) and made sure our instructions were in chronological order. 

Maths we have started a new topic regrouping using think 10. We have used out number bonds to 10 skills to help us.

Re was a wonderful treat this week with a visit from Father John telling us all about the special people that help in the church. We also celebrated Hinduism week and looked at some of their traditional stories.

In science we have been observing trees and their different parts. We have looked at what happens to trees during the different seasons and what makes an evergreen tree so special.

PE we have been learning how to develop our rolling ad throwing of a ball to a target.  In PSHE we started to make our first part of our dreams and goal garden. We paired up and designed a welly boot that has our join goal for the year on it.

Please enjoy these pictures from our baking session.

Have a lovely weekend Miss Axon

Homework 26.01.23

Gong hei fat choy


Happy Chinese new year! 

To celebrate the new year, we watched the video of how Jade Emperor decided to measure time, he asked the animals to compete in a race and the first 12 would be rewarded with a year named after them. We decided to re-enact this, the children then all choose an animal that they would like to be. We then held running races in the hall and got our 12 fastest animals. The boys and girls in year 1 absolutely love the races and finding out which animals would make up Zodiac calendar. After we looked at the year of the rabbit and we made rabbit themed fans to share in our sharing assembly.

Please enjoy some pictures of the children enjoying their Chinese new year celebrations.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Axon


Homework 19.01.23

What a wonderful week :)


This week we have been lost in our class poem The lost words – Fern. We have looked at acrostic poems and then created our own nature ones.


Maths has been a very practical week, we have been looking at the length, weight and time and the specific vocabulary to go with them.


In RE we have taken a closer look at all the special people who help in our church and then looked at why Father John is a special person to us.


FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!! This week we have put our historical hats on and compared London today and London in the past. We looked at houses, roads, transport and people.


Have a lovely weekend 

Miss Axon 

Homework 12.01.23

Happy new year!!


Welcome back I hope you all had a wonderful break. 

This week we have launched our new topic Great Fire of London. The children have created wonderful water colour pictures with silhouettes of London. 

In RE we have been looking at our new topic Special people. We discussed who are special people are.

Today we re- told the story of the wise men and looked at the gifts that they brought Jesus and the meaning of them.


Have a lovely weekend

Miss Axon

Homework 05.01.23

Spring Term 

Happy New Year!    



Homework 08.12.22

What a week!! 

This week year 1 welcomed their very first class pets .....

The sticks!

It was so lovely to seeing their faces light up when they arrived this morning and saw

the sticks all settled in class smiley

We also had another guess that arrived on Thursday morning a small red and white elf

who has been up to no good in our classroom!! 

On Monday, year 6 treated us to a wonderful advent assembly that really got us all in the

mood for the beginning of advent, we then came back into class and

researched the advent wreath and  made our own wreaths. 

Father Christmas sent is a letter on Tuesday which was amazing! We have written our replies

and are looking forward to posting them on Monday. 


I hope you all have a lovely weekend

(let's hope the sticks don't escape!!)

Miss Axon 

Week 5 Homework 01.12.22

Week 3 Homework 17.11.22

Week 2 Homework 10.11.22

Week 1 Homework 03.11.22

Week 6 Homework 13.10.22

Week 5 Homework 06.10.22

Week 4 Homework

Week 3 Homework 22.09.22

Week 2 homework 15.09.22

Week 1 Homework 08.09.2022

Autumn term Home learning grid