Class News (22.6.23)
Well done to all of you in Year 5 who represented St Joseph’s at our District Sports event yesterday and at the Netball and Football Tournament at St Mary’s school today. You were a credit to the school and all the staff who went with you were so impressed with your enthusiasm as well as your successes! Those of us who stayed at school celebrated the 75th anniversary of Windrush by painting fabulous pictures showing the contrast between life in the Caribbean and London in 1948. Another well done to our writer and Stars of the Week too. It’s always a difficult decision to make because you all work so hard and this week has been no exception.
It’s been Healthy Eating week this week and we’ve been having extra fresh fruit at break-time as well as continuing with our Fit in 15 programme. In Maths we’re using our understanding of division to help us answer word problems and in English we’re debating whether Macbeth should follow his conscience or whether he should follow his wife’s plan to murder the king. In Science we’ve begun planning an investigation to see if we could grow new plants from different parts of the parent plant. We’ll spend the next few weeks watching our plants and seeds to see what happens to them.
Have a lovely and restful long week-end. Take care and stay safe.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard