Year One News 25/11/21
Hello everyone. Here we are almost at the end of another busy week in Year 1!
In maths this week we have been looking at finding the difference between numbers and using the language of more than and less than.
In English we have finished the story of Stanley’s Stick. We went to Forest school and chose our own perfect sticks to inspire our writing. The children really enjoyed the story and produced some fantastic work.
In RE we have started our new topic, ‘Waiting’. We have been talking about things we are waiting for (in particular Christmas) and whether or not waiting is always difficult.
Here is this week’s homework sheet. I have set the maths homework on Purple Mash so please let me know if you can’t log in.
In preparation for our Nativity with Year 2 please could you listen to the following songs below with your child (I have attached the YouTube links for you to copy and paste into the search bar on YouTube). Some of the songs have lyrics on screen but for the others please just listen to them and I will send a copy of the lyrics home for you to practise.
Born in a barn
Don’t Worry Mary
Shh… Don’t wake the baby
We are camels
It’s a long way on a donkey
Wake Up Shepherds
He’s the King
No room, no room
Thank you as always for your support. Have a wonderful weekend when it gets here and see you on Monday!
Mrs Carpineta.