We have continued with the same book, 'Tuesday' this week. The children have been on an imaginary walk around a swamp where the frogs live. They have been using descriptive vocabulary to describe this setting. In Maths we have been learning about ordinal numbers such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd. They have been challenged to identify the positions of a set of dinosaurs using appropriate positional vocabulary such as first, in between. We have been practising our handwriting every day and looking very carefully at how to form our letters correctly. The children are getting used to the routines in Year One and how it differs to the Reception year. We are very proud of how they are settling and showing resilience and perseverence.
Year One will be looking at the Topic: What is History? The theme is all about toys, past and present. We are asking for the children to bring in one of their toys and to talk about it during a Show and Tell session. They have been drawing and writing simple sentences about them this week also.