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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Year 6, Spring 2, Week 6

It’s been a busy term but we’ve made it to the holidays at last!  For Year 6, the last week or so have been particularly busy as they had assessment week last week and then art week this week.  They worked really hard on practising SATs papers last week – and then I worked really hard marking them!  Everyone is making improvements and managing their time so much better than they were in September, so well done Year 6.


This week we have looked at some areas for improvement in grammar and in reading.  We have looked at where to find evidence for a 3 mark question and practised improving a few of the answers they’d already given.  We looked at each other’s answers and used the markscheme to see what mark the children thought questions should get, which was a valuable exercise in seeing what evidence is needed and where to find it.


In maths we found the volume of shapes by counting cubes and then the volume of cubes and cuboids by using the formula length x height x width.


For our art week activities, we continued from some work we had done earlier in the term looking at feathers and at birds and drawing in detail.  The children used their previous work to cut feather shapes into tiles and print them before looking at sculptures by Constantin Brancusi and starting their own paper sculptures.


Well done to Year 6 for all their hard work this term, as well as involvement in choir, chaplaincy, the talent show and so many other areas of school life.  I’m sorry I couldn’t be in school for the last day of term but I wish you all a restful holiday, a Happy Easter and I hope to have bounced back and be with you all again on Thursday 21st April.