Year 6, Spring 1, Week 4
On Tuesday we celebrated Safer Internet Day by reflecting on how children can keep themselves safe online, who they should talk to if they see something that worries them and what games and apps they should be using. Year 6 designed posters and worked in groups to write Online Safety raps.
This week in science we solved the mystery of why our lemon investigation didn't work last week - one of our conductors wasn't zinc and we needed one zinc and the other copper. So, a great success yesterday when we proved that lemons will produce about 0.6V of electricity each. We then went on to investigate what happens to the volume of a buzzer when more cells are added to the circuit.
Finally, today was Maths Day and, as part of that, the whole of Key Stage 2 joined the NSPCC Rocks tournament on TTRockstars. Each class played for about 45 minutes so, as they are able to battle for an hour for the tournament, they still have about 15 minutes left to play at home. Year 6 also had some buddy time, practising adding money and giving change. All in all, a very busy week!