Class News 14.6.2024
Then I shall do it myself...said The Little Red Hen
Another busy week has flown by in Nursery!
Continuing with our 'on the farm' topic we have been reading the story of 'The Little Red Hen'. The children really enjoyed acting out the story of being the lazy dog, the sleepy cat or the noisy duck , whilst the Little Red Hen did all the work to plant and sow the wheat, grind the wheat into flour to make the bread. At the end of the story the hen eats the bread all by herself as the other other animals hadn't helped her. Nursery being the kind and generous children they are, all said they would still share their bread. A very kind choice Nursery . As you will have seen from dojo the children also sequenced the story and were able to use wonderful story language when retelling the story. We have been continuing with our phase 2 phonics and have been learning the sounds 'c' and 'k'. We have also been putting the sounds we have learnt into reading words such as 'cat', 'dog', 'in', 'at'. We talked about by learning all these sounds helps us to read words and nursery class were very excited to have a go at trying to read and write some of these sounds and words. We are also working really hard at practicing writing our names to get Reception Class ready. It would be so wonderful if you could also support with this at home too.
As part of our maths focus this week we have continued to practice our number work, using our magnetic number boards, numbers and number lines to find and order the numbers. As well as also singing our counting and number rhymes and our daily timetable of our days of the week, months of the year, seasons and weather.
When it wasn't raining, the children have continued to thoroughly enjoy our outdoor area the sand pit area, climbing frame, bikes and giant construction! We finished our week yesterday by getting ready for the Euros! It was so wonderful to see all the children come to school in their colours supporting their teams and the best part was we ended the day by all having an ice pop!!
We wish you all a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Vinci & Mrs Direnzo