Week 4
Today we presented our class assembly to the whole school, parents and school governors! We spent the week rehearsing and it all came together brilliantly on the day.
Our theme for the assembly was the wonder and power of the Holy Spirit. We were inspired by our RE lessons on Pentecost and wanted to share our ideas with the school. We sang two of our favourite songs; ‘Give me Joy’ and ‘Shine Jesus Shine’ because we felt they were just right for the theme of the Assembly.
We took turns to retell the story of Pentecost; with some playing the part of the apostles after they were visited by the power and energy of the Holy Spirit and others playing the crowd listening to them. This crowd then became dancers re-enacting the moment that the wind and fire filled the disciples’ house. They danced beautifully using scarves to suggest the flames of the Holy Spirit. Everyone spoke their lines clearly and enjoyed being able to tell their story. Well done Year 3!
The rest of the week was busy too; in Maths, we’ve been ordering and comparing equivalent fractions. We’ve spent time learning how to draw diagrams to show equivalence and used scaffolds such as multilinks and fraction walls to support us. In English, we’ve been planning our free verse poem based on where we live that includes features like calligrams, examples of onomatopoeia and extended noun phrases.
In RE we had a lovely visit from Father John who answered all our questions about Pentecost and then we wrote prayers to God about the Holy Spirit.
In Science, we discussed what was important to help plants grow and planned a comparative test that we can monitor next week.
Congratulations to our Stars of the week and to our Writer too.
We hope you have a lovely weekend in the sunshine and look forward to seeing you next week.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard and Miss Cicero