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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Week 7

We had a super start to our last half-term in Year 3.  We took part in a special workshop called Life in Ancient Egypt and everyone looked the part in their Egyptian costumes as you’ll see in the slide show.  We spent the morning taking part in activities similar to what the ancient Egyptians would have done. We took part in tomb painting using powder paints on canvas, carving an Egyptian scene on soap with special tools, making scented wax melts for Egyptian wigs, moulding clay canopic jars used in the mummification process and wrapping scented bandages around an object just as the ancient Egyptians would have done. Throughout the morning, the Viser (our tutor for the day) created dramatic scenarios for us to act out. In the afternoon there was more drama and dance too when we performed for the Pharaoh and his Queen.  We retold the story of the Wax Crocodile that was told to keep children away from the River Nile, the creation story of Osiris and his wife Isis and finally we performed a dance about the importance of the River Nile to the ancient Egyptians. It was lovely to see how skilful and enthusiastic everyone was!  We all enjoyed our Egyptian banquet at the end of our exciting afternoon too!


The rest of the week was busy as well; in Maths, we’ve been regrouping to help us with short multiplication. In English, we’ve been learning about persuasive writing and what the differences are between fact and opinion.

In Science, we investigated how plants transport water around themselves.  We put food colouring into water and placed celery stems into the water.  We’ll observe them over the coming week.  We’re also doing some observation in our History topic on the Ancient Egyptians because we’ve been investigating why ancient Egyptians mummified their dead.  It was to preserve their bodies before they went to the afterlife and, to help us understand the process, we mummified oranges with a mixture of salt, bicarbonate of soda and spices. We’re looking forward to seeing what happens to them!


Congratulations to our Stars of the week and to our Writer too.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.


Best wishes

Mrs Howard and Miss Cicero