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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus


Another busy week in year 1. In maths this week we looked at skip counting and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. The children did very well and were able to spot patterns including every number in the 10 times table ends in a zero, numbers in the 5 times table will either in 5 or 0 and those is the 2 times table end in either 0,2,4,6,8 and will be even numbers.

In English we continued to looked at poetry and shared our colour poems with Reception. In science, we conducted a sensory experiment testing our sense of smell in order to see if we could identify certain scents.