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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Class News 7.6.2024

Baaa....Mooo...neigh....cluck...who said that?


Welcome back to our final half term in Nursery Class! We hope you all had an enjoyable half term break!                                The children were all very excited to share their half term news with us and all the exciting things they got up too! 

Our new topic this term is 'On the farm'. Over the half term we were busy transforming our role play area into a farm complete with bales of hay, chicken coup, a tractor and farm shop. The children have been very excited and are thoroughly enjoying using it for their role play. We began this week by reading the story of 'Down on Bumble Farm', it introduces all the farm animals, the sounds they make and the busy life of the farmer. To complete our farm role play area display, the children have been making their own paper plate farm animals using a variety of materials to paint, stick and glue with!   We have also been continuing with our phase 2 phonics, they are getting so good that they managed to win this week's phonics game beating Mrs Vinci with their excellent listening skills! We continue to practice through counting songs and games our number recognition and quantity. We are still continuing to practice our number formation too. As part of our Understanding of the World curriculum our science focus was 'floating and sinking'. As you will have seen from the photos sent on dojo the children really enjoyed predicting first if an object would float or sink and then testing their predictions. They were surprised by some of the objects they thought would float but sank and objects they thought would sink floated. Nursery class also made their own boats which they took home yesterday. They were able to choose a container, straw and sail of their choice to make their boat. They then tested first if it floated, then they tested how many farm animals it could hold before sinking. 


We wish you all a wonderful weekend!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Vinci & Mrs Direnzo