11th October 2024
Friday again and the end of another great week in Year 1!
In English we continued the story of Puffin Peter and created our own story maps in order to show the sequence of story event. The children all worked so hard on their fantastic story maps.
In maths we continued identifying groups that have more/less and then working out one more/one less of a given amount.
In RE we wrote our own prayers, thanking God for everything He made, reflecting on the Creation Story in Genesis.
On Thursday it was World Mental Health Day. We painted, meditated and danced before joining Year 4 for an extra play session. We talked about what mental health is and how we can look after ourselves. We also identified who we can talk to at home and at school if we fell sad or when we need to talk through things.
On Friday is was Spanish Day. We learnt how to count to 10 in Spanish. We also learnt about Pablo Picasso and created some Picasso inspired self portraits. We also shared a delicious biscuit together. During celebration assembly some of us shared our Spanish themed work.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Carpineta