We are excited to share the highlights from our recent week in class! We have officially started our new English unit, focusing on Writing to Entertain. The students are busy crafting stories aimed at captivating their family members. Once we have completed our graphic novels, we will warmly invite parents in to read through these creative works, celebrating the children’s imaginative efforts!
In Mathematics, we have been exploring the concept of place value. This week, our focus centred on ordering numbers and understanding the impact of adding 1000, 100, and 1 to a given number. The children have shown impressive progress, demonstrating their growing numerical fluency.
In our RE lessons, we delved into Jesus' family tree and traced back to the beginning with Abraham using the Bible. This led to a thought-provoking discussion on the question, "Did Abraham put his trust in God?" using the book of Genesis as our reference point. The insights from the students were truly enlightening.
Our History lessons provided a glimpse into the lives of children from the past. By examining both primary and secondary sources, we compared their experiences to our own lives today, and those of our parents and grandparents. It was fascinating to see how childhood remains a universal theme, yet can differ across generations.
In Science, we have embarked on a new topic titled Animals Including Humans, where we shared our prior knowledge about the human body, the skeletal system, and food chains. The students have been eager to learn more about these essential concepts.
Finally, our classroom check-in process is nearing completion, with every child having created their own check-in.
As a gentle reminder, please ensure that your child completes TTRS daily, in addition to their maths homework.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend, and we look forward to seeing everyone next week.
Well done to our stars and budding writers!