Week 5
Well done Year 5 for another good week! Our crossed fingers for fine weather really paid off as Wednesday’s weather was much better than earlier in the week for our Science Investigation outside. We used trundle wheels to measure the distance of the 8 planets in our solar system from the sun. We used our Maths skills to find the difference in temperature between the hottest planet (Venus at 465 degrees) and the coldest Uranus at -224 degrees. Throughout the week we’ve been investigating negative numbers and solving word problems involving temperatures in Maths, so we knew that the difference was 709 degrees.
In RE, we’ve been thinking about the important qualities that Christians hold dear by examining Paul’s letter to the Philippians where he encourages them to pray for what they need and to fill their minds with things that are good and deserve praise.
In English, we’re creating some super non-chronological reports of our own creatures based on our two class books about mythical beasts and monsters. We are trying hard to use subordinating clauses, fronted adverbials, parenthesis (brackets) as well as amazing vocabulary!
Today was the Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi and we celebrated his special day at church with the whole school. Once again, the weather was fine and sunny and the whole school walked to the church. Father John gave a homily on the life of St Francis and his mission and this led to a class discussion for us when we got back to school. Our weekly pupil-led reflections are giving us the chance to read verses from the Bible and link them to important themes as well.
Many congratulations to our writer and stars of the week. I hope you have a super weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week. Take care.
Best wishes
Mrs Howard