Autumn 1, Week 7 - Friday 18th October 2024
This week, Year 6 have completed assessments in reading and maths. Well done to everyone for concentrating hard and doing their best in each test. We have also written narratives in English this week and looked at choosing the best strategies for problem solving in maths.
On Tuesday, we had the Year 6 Prayer Service. It was based on our recently completed RE topic, Loving and was an opportunity to reflect on God's unconditional love for all and never-ending forgiveness. We listened to the parable of the Prodigal Son from Luke's Gospel, then Father John helped everyone think more deeply about the father who loved his son so much that he was always looking out for him to come back. He related this to how we can all look out for each other. Year 6 led the service thoughtfully and reverently and sang beautifully in both hymns - even including a recently learned harmony part in My God Loves Me. Well done Year 6!
Today has been a fundraising day for our class charity which is Macmillan. Year 6 were very generous in bringing plenty of cakes in to sell - so many that they may still be selling them on Monday! Thank you to the children who brought cakes, helped to set up, bought cakes and helped to sell leftover cakes in Golden Time and at the end of the day.