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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Class News 18.10.24

Nursery have got the moves..!

Another week has flown by in Nursery class and as always a fun and busy one!

We began looking at signs of autumn in our outdoor area, the leaves changing colour and the different types of weather we are having. In our classroom we have an autumn table with leaves, acorns, conkers, different coloured pumpkins and pine cones. The children have enjoyed using magnify glasses and using all their senses to explore all these signs of autumn. Hopefully weather dependent, next week we will be able to do our autumn walk around our school.

In maths we have been continuing with our counting and rhyme songs to support our rote counting. Nursery really enjoy number blocks so we have being using the unifix cubes to support with our maths work on quantity. 

In literacy we have begun reading 'Leaf Man' it is an autumnal story based on a leaf that takes on all different shapes to become different things. We will be collecting our own leaves this week to make our own 'leaf ' pictures.

In R.E we have been looking at our class Saint, Saint Nicholas. We discussed all the special acts of kindness Saint Nicholas did especially for children and how he would help many poor children by leaving them gifts.  Nursery class made their own gifts which we have displayed in class. We also discussed gifts are not always a toy or something you can see but can be acts or gifts of kindness, helping someone, sharing, showing care and love.

In our continuous provision we have been continuing to practice our cutting skills, strengthening our fine motor skills through the support of playdough and puzzles and using our imagination skills in our small world play.

On Friday we held our whole school charity fundraiser. As you know Nursery class were supporting the Barnardo's children's charity. Thank you all so much for your contributions -  Nursery class really enjoyed their sponsored dance in the morning! Nursery class have got the moves smiley! We will send photos of this on class dojo on Monday. 


A well done to our stars of the week: Oliver and Alexander smiley


We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 23rd October for parents consultation evening which will take place in the main school hall. There is a parent consultation list in the nursery locker area if you still need to sign up. 


Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Vinci & Mrs Direnzo