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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Week 2 - 13/09/24

Another fun packed week in Reception! We have had lots of fun learning, playing and getting to know our buddies this week.

In English we read the 'Colour Monster'.  We spoke about all the different emotions we can feel and that sometimes these emotions can get muddled up. We made our a check in board so that every morning when we come into school we check in by placing our names under what emotion we are feeling at that time.

In Phonics we learnt the sounds 's and a' and sounded out the words 'a and as'.

In Maths we looked at number formation and sang lots of number rhymes.

In Art we painted and made our own colour monsters.

In Science we went on a nature walk linked to our R.E lesson and collected lots of leaves, twigs, stones, flowers, petals etc. We stuck them on our worlds with sticky back plastic.

In R.E we read and spoke about the 'Creation Story'. We spoke about how God made the world in 7 days and what He created on each day. We looked at globes, maps, atlases and bibles.

This week we met our buddies. We painted pictures together, went to the library and read books together and played in the outside area together. Lots of fun was had.


Stars this week were: Maia and Naomi.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Pisaturo