Autumn 1, Week 4 - Friday 27th September 2024
This week, we enjoyed a whole school retreat day on Tuesday which began with a lovely Mass in our school hall. During the morning, we also made liturgical themed biscuits with Reception buddies. In the afternoon, Year 6 joined Reception again to make stick puppets together to retell Bible stories before we headed to Church for some time with Father John who explained the Sacraments in more detail to Year 6 and talked to them about the Blessed Sacrament as well as showing them the two Monstrances used in our Church.
This morning was our second Buddy Assembly in which the other 17 Reception children were introduced to the rest of the school, watched by governors and parents. Once again it was a lovely and moving assembly in which Year 6 showed how much thought they had put into what they wrote and said about their individual buddies. Well done to all of Year 6!