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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Trust Logo St Francis of Assisi
Catholic Academy Trust
At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

At St. Joseph’s we live, love and learn by the example of Jesus

Class News 10.1.25

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!….

Happy new year parents and carers and we hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas!
It was so wonderful to see all the nursery children back and who all look like they’ve grown in such a short amount of time!
Our new topic this term is ‘Traditional Tales’ and we began this week by reading ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’. 
Nursery were brilliant acting out the story and are starting to use the story language when retelling the story which is fantastic to hear. Maybe you could ask your child to retell the story to you 😊. Our role play area has turned into an enchanted forest with a cottage and Nursery really enjoy playing in there role playing all sorts of stories.
As the weather has been so cold this week, we discussed what clothes we need to wear to keep ourselves warm. The children practiced their fine motor skills by cutting and sticking a hat and jumper for their bear picture. You can see them hanging up in the classroom. 
We continued practicing our numbers and quantities through songs and a car bingo game, the children are really coming a long with their numbers ~ great job Nursery!

As part of the EYFS curriculum outdoor play is important. With the cold weather we are not outside for long and we make sure the children are keeping busy and moving. Please make sure your child brings to school their scarf, hat and gloves to keep them extra warm when outside. Thank you.

Well done to our stars of the week 🤩 Eliora and Amelia-Grace


We wish you all a restful weekend and see you all on Monday 😊

Mrs Vinci & Mrs Direnzo