Class News 22.11.24
Doctor... Doctor...!
As you know our topic this term is 'people who help us', our focus this week is people that keep us well and make us better.
We began by reading Dr Duck, the children loved listening to the story and enjoyed acting out the story using our Dr Duck glove puppet. We have also been singing the rhyme Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick. We set up a role play area full of doctor and nurse role play costumes, doctor cases with bandages, thermometers, stethoscopes, oxygen masks - everything needed to make you better. As you will have seen on dojo the children absolutely loved role playing - we had children on keyboards booking appointments and recording them on clipboards to support letter recognition and early writing skills, answering the telephones supporting communication skills. We had telephone numbers the children needed to use to call the doctors or the hospital for our number recognition. Many of the children were bandaged up, given medicine, had the temperatures taken and used the stethoscopes to listen to heart beats. We also spoke about when we have medicine, that only an adult ever gives us medicine and that we only have a little bit as medicine can make us feel unwell too if we have too much.
We continued with our phase 1 environmental sounds in phonics and our number recognition and quantity in maths. We have also been starting to practice writing our numbers too. Ask your children about the squirrel who kept stealing the acorns and we had to count them! On our creative table we had card making - a get well soon card or thank you for looking after me. The children are so creative and enjoyed cutting and sticking. We will continue with our focus on cutting skills as this is something we are working on as a class.
I wonder who we will learn about next week who help us - our only clue is it is red!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Vinci & Mrs Direnzo