Week 3 24.1.25
Another fun packed week in Reception.
English: We read the story, 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. We wrote sentences about what he ate each day. We talked about the days of the week and have been trying very hard to learn them.
Phonics: We have been concentrating on our 'ch', 'th', and 'sh' sounds. Tricky words 'was, what'.
Maths: We have been counting up to 20 and beyond. We have been looking and compairing quantities. Saying which set has more and which has fewer.
R.E: We have been trying to learn the ' Glory Be'. We have also been learning about what gift Jesus has given us.
Art: We have been painting caterpillars and butterflies to add to our art gallery.
UW: We looked at the life cycle of a caterpillar. The children had to sequence the life cycle. We also went on a nature walk and gathered any evidence that Spring is on its way for ' The Year of Hope'. We saw many signs. Please enjoy the photos below.