Children's Mental Health Week 5th-9th February 2024
Next week, 5th -9th February, is Children's Mental Health week and we will be working on the 5 Ways to Wellbeing, which are :Give, Connect, Learn, Take Notice and Be Active. The plan for the week will be as follows:
Monday- 'Give'- There's been lots of research about the effects of taking part in social and community life. Some studies have shown that people who help others are more likely to rate themselves as happy. Is there anything you can do today, to be kind or helpful to someone else? With this in mind, EYFS/KS1 children have been asked to bring in food bank donations and KS2 will be making cards/write letters for the residents of the local retirement home.
Tuesday- 'Connect'- Connecting with others can help us feel close to people, and valued for who we are. Being social means different things for different people – you might prefer being in quieter situations with one other person, or you might like being in big groups. You might like to connect with people online, or you might enjoy phone calls or sending letters. We would like all children can bring in a board game or something (no electronics!) that they can share with someone else or a small group.
Wednesday 'Learn'- We're always learning new things – often without realising it. Feeling like you're learning and developing can boost your self-esteem. Sometimes, setting goals can help you to feel more productive and more in control of your life. What can you learn today?
To help us learn something new that we don't do every day at school, Mrs Direnzo will visit classes in the morning to show some simple every day Makaton signs that children and staff will be encouraged to try and use throughout the day.
Thursday-'Take Notice'- Reminding yourself to take notice can help you to be aware of how you're feeling. It can help you understand what triggers your feelings of stress or anxiety.
Some studies have shown that savouring ‘the moment’ can also help you to feel more positive about life. Take some time to enjoy the moment and the environment around you. Today children will be taking part in a yoga/mindful meditation session..
Friday- Be Active - Physical activity can help us maintain positive mental health.
This doesn't have to mean running marathons or training every day at the gym. There are lots of different things you can do to be a bit more active. Studies have shown that getting active can help you sleep better, have happier moods, and reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and racing thoughts. We will be having a fun-filled, sporty lunch and Golden Time so please send your child to school wearing warm sportswear (no football kits please!)
There will also be no homework next week, instead children should spend that time doing something they enjoy with their families.
For more information about Children's Mental Health Week and the 5 Ways to Wellbeing please click the links below: Mind 5 Ways to Wellbeing. NHS 5 Steps to Wellbeing Place2B's Children's Mental Health Week resources for families.
Thank you so much for your support. Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Carpineta
(PSHE and Wellbeing Lead)